Introduction to a non-traditional OU student

Hi, I'm Kathy!  But you can call me Kat, most everyone does. 

I'm a non-traditional OU student.  I'm 46 years old and going back to college.  I was one year away from an accounting degree back at the age most kids finish college when we moved away due to my husband's business.  Back then, online courses weren't really an option.  OU doesn't really have the classes available to finish my accounting degree online and I wanted to shift my focus more to IT so I switched majors to Information Studies.  This makes it almost like starting all over again so what I thought would take 2-4 semesters is going to take me pretty much the full four years.  My favorite classes in my major have been my programming courses, but I surprisingly also love Human Relations and Business Ethics as well.

I also work full-time, at least I did until May when my position as manager for a local saddle shop got down-sized.  We thought my husband had found a great job in OKC and that we were going to be moving over the summer and I could not look for a job until I graduated, but that fell through so I find myself job hunting again.  It's a stressful time of life for sure.  My husband trains cutting horses (horses that work cattle, comes from the old traditional ranch work originally) but because the horse economy is so bad right now, he took a second job at the oil refinery in Tulsa.  Our oldest daughter graduated from ECU in Ada, OK 3 years ago with a studio art degree and has been tooling leather for saddles and tack at the shop I used to work for.  Our next daughter is a junior on campus at OU.  And the youngest daughter is still in middle school.  They're a little spread out in age, but it keeps life interesting.

My favorite book/movie series is without a doubt the Harry Potter series.  I love the idea of magic and make-believe anyway, but also find myself relating to some of the characters quite a bit.  I also love dystopian fiction books because who doesn't want to scare themselves with possible end-of-the-world scenarios?!  I don't watch a lot of TV, but I love the "Big Bang Theory" because I need a good laugh if I'm going to watch TV.  Other than that, we usually just watch football (Boomer Sooner!).  Most recent movie I saw was Avengers: Infinity War because I'm a sucker for anything with Thor and Iron Man in it, but I do like most of the Marvel series. 

My favorite foods?  Well, I'm not really all that picky except I don't like sushi.  I love Mexican, Italian, and Cajun foods and I've never met a potato I didn't fall in love with.  I love to cook although I'm not too fond of cleaning up or coming up with a menu most days.  Mexican food is my quick & easy stand-by though because it's hard to mess that up, even in a hurry. 

I don't have time for many hobbies but I love to read and listen to music.  I used to be a professional photographer.  I shot action shots at horse shows and a few portrait sessions.  I still love shooting, but since we no longer live on a ranch, I don't find myself with as much time or inspiration to shoot any more & I miss it.  I would also like to take up journaling again if I had time.

Here are some of the photos I took from when I used to do horse show photography.  These are my husband & our youngest daughter (a few years ago now!)


  1. Hi Kat! It was so nice to read your Introduction and see the different bits and pieces come together here with your studies and your work and your family. I am so glad if this online class can help you get closer to graduation! I am so impressed at the idea of being in school at the same time that one of your daughters is attending OU too. They should offer a special mother-daughter tuition discount! And your photos of those horses at work are wonderful. Are you interested in doing a project on horses for this class? There are so many great myths and legends about horses of course from all over the world... and it could even be connected to Hogwarts: some kind of supernatural horse mystery could be happening that Harry and Ron and Hermione get involved in, and of course Hermione would be in charge of doing the mythology research in the Library that ends up saving their lives, as she always does! :-)

    1. That's an absolutely brilliant idea for the horses combined with Harry Potter!!! Thanks so much for that suggestion because I was having a hard time coming up with an angle to use for the writing. Hermione is awesome--a good role model for young girls (and young at heart!) for sure. And I totally agree about the tuition discount for mother-daughter teams at OU! I just laugh when they call me for fundraiser stuff, because really, I'm paying enough already! Talk to me when I'm an alumni with a better job.

  2. Hi Kat! I also love the Harry Potter series! Which characters do you find yourself most similar to? I am sorry to hear that you are going through a rough patch right now, but once you get your degree everything will be so worth it! Job hunting is hard, last spring I started looking for a summer job in April and did not find one available until July. If you enjoy photography, I would suggest going to the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge! There is such beautiful scenery and you 'll find some animals roaming around there as well.

  3. Hey Kat! The pictures that you took of your husband and daughter at the horse show are awesome! You said that you miss photography and I really hope that one day you are inspired enough to jump back into it, as I know that you and your loved ones will love to look back at those pictures in the future. I never got to take Business Ethics but I read the book that you guys are assigned to read, Justice by Michael Sandel, and I wish all students were required to read it or take a similar class. The book forced me to evaluate different moral dilemmas that I would have never considered otherwise, and I sometimes see those same dilemmas being contemplated in the stories that we come across in this class!

  4. Hi Kat! Information Studies sounds really interesting. I love Human Relations classes too, but that might be because I’m an HR major. Saddle shops sounds really cool. I never realized how much goes into saddles and horse related items. Harry Potter is a great choice for favorite books/movies. Do you prefer one over the other? These are great photos! Thanks for including them

  5. Hi Kat! It's amazing to me how you came back to school after so long because I know so many people that say they will do that but never do. I am also an Information Studies major and can relate on what you're going through. I hope that your job hunt goes well and you find an amazing job because just from reading your introduction I can tell you're a really nice person.

  6. Hey Kat!

    I really related to what you said when you never met a potato you didn't fall in love with. I totally agree. I am also a lover of all food - but I am also selective. I know what I like but I am always willing to try new things!

    I also think it is cool that you are in college at the same time as your daughter. It is inspirational and an awesome role model when your daughters can see your perseverance by finishing college.

    I hope to keep up with you more this semester!

  7. Hi, Kat! I'm Makenzi! That is really so cool and admirable that you are back in school pursuing a new degree. I am a public relations major so I am in similar classes to your HR and ethics courses.
    The Harry Potter books are by far my favorite books I've read! I am a big reader and fell in love with the books as a little kid. I have been able to go to Harry Potter world and it was probably one of my favorite experiences ever. Have a great rest of your semester!

  8. Hello Kat, its really great that your going back to college, especially to a major of information studies! My major is chemical engineering and we have to do some programming and I actually really enjoy it. If i had to restart college i would probably go computer science because I want to dive deeper into programming. Hope your semester has been great so far!

  9. Hey Kat! I loved reading your introduction. It sounds like you have a lot of fun experiences with horses and everything that comes with them. I used to ride horses when I was younger until I fell off one and broke my arm. I haven't really gotten back on one since.. maybe one day I'll try again. I love that you decided to come back to school and pursue a new degree! It was nice to meet you!

  10. Hey Kat, it’s really cool to hear your perspective as a non-traditional student. Harry Potter was always one of my favorite series growing up. I read the books religiously when I was younger but I have never finished the movies. Maybe I’ll have to add that to my list of things to do. Your photography is excellent, were you ever into landscape photography? I imagine there would be quite a bit of material on a ranch for that.

  11. Hi Kat! Congrats on going back to school, I really commend your work ethic and I wish you all the best with your IT degree! I've never read Harry Potter (my parents were super religious and they thought witchcraft was evil or something, idk) but it's on my bucket list. I love magic books and dystopian novels. I currently in the middle of the The Magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman. Highly recommend it. Enjoy the rest of your semester!

  12. Hey Kat! It is really cool that you came back to school, it's too bad that you have to do a whole four more years though. I hate how that all works out. I am also a huge fan of Harry Potter and always will be. The whole series is now on Netflix, if you did not know! I also really like the Big Bang Theory, the characters are so funny and it's something I can always watch with my parents! Good luck finishing up and with this class!

  13. Hi Kat! I read your project and introduction last week but I guess I forgot to comment on here. I am really impressed by the fact that you were willing to take on a full blown 4 year course when you were already so far in with your first one, but it really does seem like you have found a field that you enjoy! I used to ride horses as my grandfather used to train them, but when he retired he couldn't keep up with them anymore so I sadly don't ride very often anymore. I really hope that I manage to get back into it one of these days, until then I will just stick to watching them through my camera lens as I take photos of them!
    - Anna Margret

  14. Hey Kat! I really like hearing stories from “non-traditional students.” Everyone has a different college experience and even though you may be older than me, I’m sure we have the same love for the Sooners and our beautiful campus. I also love the Harry Potter series! My dad read them to me every night as a kid, and it honestly makes life more fun when you have a little bit of magic.

  15. Hi Kat! I really admire your ambition to get your college degree! I am from Tulsa so it is fun to see that your husband works there! Between Norman, Tulsa, and Ada, that is a lot of driving for one family! I love horses and I think they are magnificent animals! I read your storybook and I like how you incorporated one of your interests into the theme for your storybook!


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