My favorite place: Boerne, TX

Without a doubt, my favorite place I have ever lived is a thousand acre horse & cattle ranch outside of Boerne, Texas.  Since Texas is a large state & Boerne is not necessarily a well-known town, it's in the Texas Hill Country and about 20 minutes from San Antonio.

The ranch was probably 15 miles from Boerne, but that was the address.  My husband was the ranch manager and head horse trainer for the place.  We had one-mile of Guadalupe River frontage on the back side of the ranch and most afternoons we spent at the river with our kids.

I loved being so completely in the middle of nowhere but with the ability to be in a major city with lots of attractions in less than 45 minutes.

It is our dream to one day be able to return to the Hill Country, but with property values as high as they are, that dream is going to take some effort.

(photos from my personal collection, Zaragosa Ranch, Boerne, TX)

(Hill Country Mile, main street in Boerne, TX )


  1. Oh, this is fun, Kathy! I have been to San Antonio and I always had such a good time... now I need to explore more of the Hill Country. Boerne sounds like a great place to visit and a great place to live!


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