Week 5 Story: Arabian Nights, Hermione-style

We find ourselves back at Hogwarts this week, checking in on the Golden Trio and their adventures.  As we look for them, we can see into the Dark Forest.  We see Harry & Ron trying desperately hard to sneak something out of the forest while also trying to avoid being seen and caught.  But where is Hermione?  Upon further searching, we find her talking to a centaur, trying very hard to keep him distracted.  "But sir, I swear if you'll just listen to me a bit longer, you'll find it's a very interesting story" exclaims Hermione.

"I will listen to your story," replies the centaur thoughtfully, "but it better be very interesting or I shall have to go and examine whatever was making that racket farther into the forest."  So Hermione begins to tell him the tale of the "Merchant and the Genie" which soon morphs into telling the tales of three old men travelling along the same road, trying to also distract the genie and save the merchant's life.  The centaur agrees that this is an interesting story, but he really should go and examine the strange noises in the forest.  Hermione hears more struggling in the forest and realizes it must be her friends, so she quickly tells the centaur "Yes, that is a very good tale, but it is nothing like the tale of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp!"  She begs that if the centaur would just listen to her next tale, he'd find it even more fascinating than the last.  The centaur agrees to listen because he knows he has heard many strange noises in the forest before and surely this can wait a bit longer.

Hermione goes on to tell the tale of the poor merchant's son, Aladdin.  She tells the thrilling tale of how a cunning African magician tricks Aladdin into a cave to retrieve for him a lamp.  Aladdin finds himself locked into the cave and accidentally releases a genie from a ring the magician had given him.  He uses the genie to get out of the cave & goes home to his mother.  He & his mother accidentally release a genie from the lamp as well.  Soon Aladdin finds himself deeply in love with the Sultan's daughter, a princess.  He knows that he will have to prove himself worthy to the Sultan if he wishes to marry the princess so he gets the help of the genie of the lamp.  Soon the magician hears of the things going on in the Sultan's kingdom & realizes it must be Aladdin and the genie of the lamp.  The magician goes & steals away the palace and the princess, taking them back to Africa.  The Sultan threatens to kill Aladdin if he doesn't return the princess so Aladdin uses the genie of the lamp to get him to Africa & proceeds to trick the magician into drinking poisoned wine.  He uses the genie to transport, himself, the princess, and the palace back to the land of the Sultan, where they all live happily ever after.

By the end of the story, Hermione has heard Ron and Harry sneaking quietly back out of the forest.  The centaur agrees that she has entertained him quite well and lets her go back to the castle grounds while he goes to check on the noises he heard earlier.  Hermione gratefully escapes back to the castle grounds, meeting back up with her friends who are most appreciative of her help.  They all agree to never try to have to trick the centaurs again because they are very intelligent creatures after all.

(The princess that Aladdin falls in love with)

Author's note:  I used a very brief summary of the tales from "Arabian Nights" in this story.  As I am using a Harry Potter theme for my final Storybook project, I thought it fitting to go ahead and get into practice with this story as well.  I gave Hermione the task of telling the tales to distract a centaur while Ron & Harry are busy in the dark forest.  Quite like Scheherazade, Hermione only needs to tell the stories long enough to distract someone and as the tales are quite thrilling, that is easy to do with Hermione's bright mind.

Bibliography:  "Arabian Nights" from the UnTextbook.  Weblink.


  1. Hi Kat!
    Great job with this story! I love Harry Potter, so I’m really excited to check out your Storybook soon. I think this story is very in character for the Golden Trio. Of course Harry and Ron are up to something and Hermione is being clever! I also liked how your first few sentences are directed toward the audience; it makes it feel like an orally told story.
    What exactly were Harry and Ron trying to sneak out of the forest? Was is one of Hagrid’s creatures, or a magical item of some kind?
    I also think it would be interesting if you adjusted Hermione’s stories so that instead of telling the actual Arabian Nights stories, she was telling something that aligned with the magical world more, like maybe "The Wizard and the Genie," instead of the Merchant. You wouldn’t have to change the plot of Aladdin or the other story much at all, but it would blend into the story better, I think.
    You did a really great job with this! Keep it up!

  2. Hey Kat! I like how you put the twist of on this story by using Harry Potter. I read this story and was intrigued by it and for you to use those characters and that setting makes complete sense. It was a little different from the original story since in the original one it went through the night but you found a way to make it work nicely.

  3. Hi Kat!

    I really liked what you did here! I think Harry Potter is a super un topic - one I had not even thought of doing. I also did this story as it was one of my favorites and something I was super excited to read. I liked how involved people can get with this story and how you incorporated Hogwarts - maybe from Dumbledors perspective? Either way, I really liked it! Keep up the good work and I am excited to read your final story!

  4. Hi Kat! I really like how you start the story with a detailed explanation of the setting, it really helps me to understand what to picture. I love Harry Potter so this story was fun for me to relate to the original story. I was also curious to know what they were trying to sneak out of the forest? I think a couple more details in the story about the creature, why is it bad and where did it come from. I like how you combined two different stories in this, it was fun to know the overall story of Harry Potter and also to know the story of Aladdin. You did a great job of telling a story within another story, it can sometimes be difficult to tell the two apart but you nailed it. Overall this story was a blast to read, great job!

  5. Hi Kat! I also chose the Arabian Nights reading, and really liked what you did with your retelling! The centaur is a good stand-in for an impatient king, and I thought that this situation just might actually happen, given the antics of the trio and the interest of centaurs in learning new things. You were also able to fit an awful lot of stories into a more condensed tale, but you did so in a way that was faithful to the original telling. Good work!

  6. Hey Kat! I just finished reading your story and I loved it. I thought you had a lot of creative and unique ideas. Although I have never seen Harry Potter, I think it was a fun idea to add that into your story. That might be something that I try the next time I write another story. I look forward to reading more of your stories. Nice job!


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