Reading B, Week 9: The Maiden Who Was Stolen Away

Once upon a time, a magical storm blew threw a land and swept up in it a beautiful maiden.  The storm sat the maiden down in the top of a ruined pagoda.  It was a very long way down & she couldn't make it on her own.  She turned around and there was a nice looking young man, dressed as a student.  He told her "It seems like heaven meant for us to be together.  Marry me & I'll get you down from here."  Something didn't seem right about this, so the maiden wouldn't agree.  The young man left, but left her food & drink.

This continued on for many days.  The young man would come back & ask the maiden to marry him and every day she refused.  He always left her food & drink, but also new clothes, jewelry, a light to keep her company at night.  The young man closed up all the windows so she couldn't escape & he destroyed some of the upper staircase so she couldn't get down by the stairs.  The young maiden had everything she could ever want except for her freedom, yet she still wouldn't marry the man.  

One day, he forgot to close a window.  The maiden looked out just as she saw the young man turn into an ogre.  She was terrified.  She saw another man walking by & tried calling out to him, but she was too high for him to hear her.  She tried waving to him, but he didn't see her.  So she threw out her old clothes to try to get his attention.  When the man saw the clothes flutter down, he remembered a neighbor's daughter taken away by a magical storm & wondered if it was her.  He took the clothes to the family & they wept because they knew it was her.  

The maiden had an older brother, very big, strong, & brave.  He vowed to go get his sister.  The brother waited nearby to see what would happen.  As he watched, the young man walked by, turning into the ogre as he passed.  The brother threw his ax at the ogre as he tried to escape.  The ogre roared out & escaped to the hills, never to return.  The brother couldn't get into the tower by himself, but with the help of some other townspeople and a ladder he got his sister down & returned home with her.

Bibliography:  The Maiden Who Was Stolen Away.  Weblink.


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