Week 8 Progress
Looking back: I'm happy so far with my progress. I stay fairly caught up. I sometimes wind up skipping Reading B, but doing extra credit to make up for it. I'm staying on track for an A in the course right now. For extra credit, I usually just wind up doing extra blog comments, but I may change that this half of the semester because I'm running out of posts I haven't commented on.
Looking forward: I'm pretty happy so far with the course. I may try a couple different extra credit options just to change things up. I may also change up my note-taking and feedback processes. I like how my blog & storybook are going. The next couple stories in my storybook may be more difficult to figure out how to fit them in my theme, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.
Looking forward: I'm pretty happy so far with the course. I may try a couple different extra credit options just to change things up. I may also change up my note-taking and feedback processes. I like how my blog & storybook are going. The next couple stories in my storybook may be more difficult to figure out how to fit them in my theme, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.
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